Our School Day

At Whitchurch we provide 32.5 hours of learning for all children per week, typically divided into five learning sessions throughout the day. Children also attend weekly assemblies / collective acts of worship led by the Headteacher. They also attend weekly Star / Celebrations assemblies, class assemblies and singing assemblies, which bring the community together on a daily basis.

Take a look at the Class pages on the website to see sample timetables.

Daily Routine

We operate a soft start in the morning with gates opening at 8.40am. Parents drop off at the gate and children make their way into class, where they will be met by their class teacher. Gates are locked at 9am; children arriving after that time are late. If children attend our Early Birds breakfast club they will be dropped off at class in the morning.

The Infant Day


The Junior Day


At the end of the day, parents collect their children from the classroom patio doors.



Whitchurch Primary School and Nursery Wemborough Road, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 2EQ
Interim Headteacher | Mr M Thompson-Lawrie