Our News items
Date: 22nd Jul 2024 @ 9:54am
Year 6 put on a fantastic performance of 'Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies' for our families. We put our creative skills to the test preparing scenery, props and costumes, along with super acting, dancing and singing!
Year 6 STEM Day at the RAF Museum
Date: 1st Jul 2024 @ 9:04pm
A range of children from Year 6 participated in a thoroughly enjoyable STEM day (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) at the RAF Museum in Hendon.
In the first session we really enjoyed learning more about coding using a Sphere BOLT. Later on we learnt how to design bridges to carry essential goods during a disaster. This was tricky, but 3 out of 4 teams produced bridges that could carry the load. Eventually, we went on a museum hunt to search for answers to questions about the museum. These interactive workshops really helped us to engage with STEM themes.
Date: 8th Jun 2024 @ 12:37pm
Whitchurch took part in a fantastic STEM Week to celebrate the wonders of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths in the world around us. Each year group explored a different theme relating to STEM (transport, paleontology, space, health, construction, robitics and crime), engaging in excirting activities, workshops and research projects. We also enjoyed a dress up day and exhibition for families at the end of the week!
Year 5 visit to Woodrow High House
Date: 24th May 2024 @ 10:54am
Year 5 experienced an action packed residential visit to Woodrow High House in Amersham. We enjoyed a range of activities on offer including archery, an assault courses, team building exercises and eating marshmallows around the campfire!
Reception visit to Hertfordshire Zoo
Date: 17th May 2024 @ 4:31pm
Reception have been learning all about animals this half term. We had a thoroughly wild day at Hertfordshire Zoo exploring a range of animals including lions, tigers, meerkats and penguins!
Date: 16th May 2024 @ 12:25am
Year 5 enjoyed a visit to Kew Gardens to sketch some of the beautiful flowers and participate in a Plants Scientist workshop. We visited the iconic Palm House to experience the tropical climate and also observed plants from arid parts of the world in the Princess of Wales Conservatory. During the workshop we took part in practical activities relating to the life cycle of plants, methods or reproduction and seed dispersal. It was an enjoyable day full of observation and exploration!
Year 2 visit to the Florence Nightingale Museum
Date: 25th Mar 2024 @ 2:03pm
Year 2 visited the Florence Nightingale Museum in London, within the grounds of St Thomas's Hospital, to support our topic about inspirational women. During our visit we learnt how Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole made remarkable changes to the healthcare system.
Year 6 visit to Essex Outdoors Danbury
Date: 25th Mar 2024 @ 2:20pm
Year 6 enjoyed a residential visit to Essex Outdoors in Danbury. We had the best time! We took part in a wide range of activities including the vertical challenge, bridge build, zip wire, leap of faith, archery, caving, obstacle course and aerial treking. It was a great opportunity to develop our teamwork skills and resilience!
Year 5 visit to The British Museum
Date: 12th Mar 2024 @ 10:22am
Year 5 visited The British Museum to delve into Ancient Greece as enrichment for our topic. During our visit we had the opportunity to use Samsung Galaxy tablets to support our learning about the Parthenon (an ancient Greek temple). We also enjoyed searching for information about myths and legends, gods and goddesses, pottery and everyday life in various galleries. It was an engaging visit which helped to bring our learning about Ancient Greece to life!
Date: 11th Mar 2024 @ 1:32pm
World Book Day on Thursday was a great success! Children came to school dressed for the occasion as their favourite book characters and enjoyed an action packed day of activities to celebrate our love of reading, including a sponsored readathon, reading buddies, book exchange and class book corner competition!
Date: 1st Mar 2024 @ 2:28pm
In Science Year 3 are learning all about plants. As part of our topic 'Diving into Nature' we visited Canons Park to identify different types of plants we are learning about. We considered how plants thrive in different locations and whether their requirements for growth - including sunlight, water, air and nutrients - are met. It was great to visit our local park to experience nature!
Year 4 visit to The Science Museum
Date: 1st Mar 2024 @ 2:12pm
Year 4 visited The Science Museum to learn all about Energy and Inventions.
During our visit to the Energy Hall we learnt all about steam power in line with our Science topic 'Electricity' and observed how steam engines were designed and improved over time. We also explored the legendary attic workshop of engineer James Watt and were fascinated with his inventions!
We also visited Secret Life of the Home exhibition where we learnt how our homes have changed over time and enjoyed a hands-on experience of the hidden workings of everyday household objects.
Finally, we explored the making of the Modern World Gallery where we learnt about objects and iconic items invented up to 250 years ago and how they have shaped our society. It was a brilliant day enjoyed by all!
Year 5 visit to The Science Museum
Date: 5th Mar 2024 @ 10:46am
As enrichment in Science, Year 5 attended a workshop called 'Flash, Bang, Wallop!' which was jam-packed with thrilling experiments and demonstrations designed to help us find out about fire and explosions. We explored the Earth and Space gallery to learn about Man's historical journey to space and explored the new Technicians and Engineers galleries - exhibiting the various careers and skills required in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) related professions and shining a spotlight on female engineers. We also discovered how computing skills such as coding and special effects are used in the manufacturing industry and post-production in the media industry. The day sparked our enthusiasm for Science and aspirations for the future!
Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 1:20pm
Year 3 have enjoyed a special Roman Day as enrichment for our topic about The Romans.
We had a fantastic time making and decorating our own shields and swords/daggers all morning. In the afternoon we had a session about Roman Numerals and also also enjoyed making Roman inspired mosaics. It was a great experience and lots of fun dressing up as Romans for the day!
Year 6 visit to The Natural History Museum
Date: 3rd Feb 2024 @ 12:00pm
Year 6 visited The Natural History Museum as enrichment for our Science topic 'Evolution and Inheritance', where we have been learning what evolution is and how it happens. At the museum we participated in a workshop and went on a trail to find out about the life and work of Mary Anning and her fossils; we also learnt more about the great Charles Darwin and his theory of natural selection.
Year 1 visit to Windsor Castle
Date: 29th Jan 2024 @ 10:42am
This week, Year 1 went on an exciting trip to Windsor Castle as enrichment for our topic 'Kings and Queens'. During our visit we saw all the rooms we have been learning about, including the Dolls' House which belonged to Queen Mary. We also discovered all of the precious gifts that Queen Elizabeth II had received from different monarchs across the globe and saw some amazing pieces of art in each room - we particularly liked the paintings on the celing! It was a great trip and we had lots of questions on the way back to school!
Year 4 visit to St Paul's Cathedral
Date: 1st Dec 2023 @ 1:52am
Year 4 visited St Paul's Cathedral in London for a guided tour and to learn more about the Christmas story. We heard tales of characters including Mary and the shepherds, dressed up to take part in a procession to the manger and imagined what it would have been like to make the journey to Bethlehem. We also reflected on the wider meaning of Christmas.
To make our visit even more memorable we climbed 257 steps to enjoy the views from the very special Whispering Gallery and 376 steps to the Stone Gallery to enjoy the views of London!
Year 2 visit to Woodland Forest School
Date: 7th Nov 2023 @ 10:35am
Date: 30th Oct 2023 @ 11:31am
Year 3 visited a local Hindu temple to support their learning about Hinduism in R.E. We learnt about the core values of Hinduism and beliefs that many Hindus have, whilst gaining an insight into stories behind some of the great Gods within Hinduism.
Year 5 visit to The Royal Mews
Date: 30th Oct 2023 @ 4:31pm
Year 5 enjoyed a right royal visit to The Royal Mews at Buckinham Palace as enrichment for our learning about the British monarchy and British values. We visited the coach houses to explore an array of old and new coaches, as well as two of the beautiful carriage horses. We took a leisurely walk around St James's Park and observed a variety of birds including pelicans and swans before ending up at Buckingham Palace!
Date: 13th Oct 2023 @ 4:36pm
At Whitchurch we celebrated International Day as a school, dressed in our own cultural clothing for the day. We researched different cultures and participated in a range of activities and workshops throughout the day, including African art, British etiquette, flag painting, mask design and Chinese poetry. There was lots of art, music, singing and dance for all of us to enjoy. We then looked forward to FoW's International Evening with food and entertainment for all the family - all coming together to celebrate our cultures.
Year 5 visit to The Ragged Museum
Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 10:45am
Year 5 are learning all about the Victorian Era this half term. We visited The Ragged Museum in East London to immerse ourselves in Victorian history, which was a wonderful experience. We took part in a mock Victorian lesson, where we sat in rows and wrote on chalk boards; we also discovered how Victorians washed their clothes using a drum, washboard and dolly, which was very labour intensive!
Date: 25th Sep 2023 @ 11:13am
Year 3 are learning all about the Stone Age this half term. We participated in an enjoyable hands-on workshop with Ug the Stoneage man, featuring activities such as making weapons with wood and flint, cave painting and archery! We also investigated bones and other artefacts. It was a great experience which helped to bring our learning about this key part of history to life!
Year 6 visit to The Imperial War Museum
Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 10:23pm
Year 6 visited The Imperial War Museum in London to kick-start their learning about World War II in History. It was fascinating to gain an insight into the lives of people in this important period of UK and world history; we also enjoyed viewing and handling a range of artefacts including wartime uniform, an Anderson shelter and gas masks.
Friends of Whitchurch Summer Fair
Date: 12th Jul 2023 @ 9:59am
Our Summer Fair on Sunday was a great success - bringing the school community together with fun for everyone! There were a wide range of activities and stalls on offer to keep everyone entertained for the day... sports skills, a bouncy castle, tombola, spin the wheel, food and drink, arts, crafts and beauty, as well as a mini market and prize raffle. We were also visited by a very friendly mascot, the Local Fire Brigade and Metropolitan Police officers who kept the children entertained for hours!
Thank you to everyone who turned up, had fun and bought some treats. Also huge thanks to Friends of Whitchurch for all their hard work and enthusiasm in organising this fantastic event.