Our News items

Year 6 Show (July 2022)

Date: 8th Jul 2022 @ 1:48pm

Year 6 put on a spectacular production of Beauty and the Beast. They rehearsed non stop for over a week and wowed their parents and carers with their singing and acting talents. Congratulations to all involved in putting on a great show!

‘I enjoyed every minute. Although my singing voice isn’t great, I loved singing!’ Hamoody


Sports Day (July 2022)

Date: 8th Jul 2022 @ 1:42pm

What fantastic Sports Days we have had!? This year we hosted our annual sports day across two days using Avanti's playing fields. The weather was glorious and we had a superb turnout from families. The children are still ecstatic from all the excitement. We held our awards ceremony this afternoon and gave out medals to a selection of boys and girls. There was a trophy awarded to the house team with the most amount of points.

Thanks to all the parents who volunteered their mornings and days to help with the set up and scoring of the day and also those who helped with heavy lifting throughout the event. All your hard work ensured the day ran smoothly.


Summer Fair (July 2022)

Date: 4th Jul 2022 @ 10:01am

Our Summer Fair was packed with family fun and entertainment, bring our families and the community together.

The fair featured a variety of main stage entertainment from the school choir, orchestra, guitar ensemble, Stagecoach, urban dance and children’s talent show. Families also enjoyed spending their tokens at the wide range of stalls including international food and drink, arts and crafts, beauty and cookery school. Children were very excited to meet the local fire brigade and police officers.

Many thanks to Friends of Whitchurch for organising the event and to everyone who came along and had fun!



Science Week (June 2022)

Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 9:47am

Whitchurch enjoyed an action packed Science Week with fun learning and experiments. All children have learnt about a famous scientist and made fantastic posters for our Science Exhibition; we have also had science experiments including testing UV rays, making ice cream, growing plants. Thank you to those parents who came to talk to children about their jobs as scientists. We will be planting all of the sunflower plants in one of our flowerbeds so we can continue to watch them grow!




Year 3 visit to GROW (June 2022)

Date: 10th Jun 2022 @ 9:47am

Year 3 visited GROW in Totteridge - an agroecological farm and outdoor learning hub - to participate in a Nature Connect day. The children had an amazing time and enjoyed activities including sensory farm tours, harvesting, nature treasure hunts, mindfulness activities, chicken care and seed sowing. This enrichment opportunity linked Year 3’s Science learning (Plants & Nutriton) and PSHE (Healthy Me), whilst teaching them to be active and responsible global citizens and promoting their physical and mental health.



Year 6 Bikeability (May 2022)

Date: 17th May 2022 @ 10:39am

Year 6 children were invited to take their level 1 and 2 Bikeability training this week. Their bikes were checked over by cycle experts to ensure they are roadworthy and then children were assessed on basic skills before moving on to more advanced skills such as indicating whilst turning a corner. At the end of the training course children will be ready to cycle on roads and will receive certificates.


Reception visit to Paradise Wildlife Park (May 2022)

Date: 13th May 2022 @ 8:32pm

This week Reception enjoyed a really wild visit to Paradise Wildlife Park in Hertfordshire. The children had a fantastic time seeing all of the animals they have been learning about including lions, tigers, monkeys and zebras. Later in the week, the children wrote some lovely letters to the zookeepers about their experience and to thank them for such a memorable visit!


Year 5 visit to Hindu Temple (May 2022)

Date: 11th May 2022 @ 12:01am

Year 5 were honoured to visit the beautiful Hindu temple in Kenton which had a calm and spiritual atmosphere. They were able to see some of the congregants praying and to learn about the gods and rituals associated with prayer.


Year 3 Cricket Trip (April 2022)

Date: 29th Apr 2022 @ 1:33pm

Year 3 went on an exciting trip to Lords Cricket Ground to watch Middlesex vs Leicestershire. Leicestershire won by 5 wickets! They had a jam-packed day full of exhilarating activities such as practising their throwing and catching skills and they even played a game of cricket themselves! Another exciting part of the day was having a photo with Rob Key, the current managing director of the England Cricket Team.



Whitchurch Book Week (March 2022)

Date: 21st Apr 2022 @ 1:01am

Everyone at Whitchurch enjoyed an action packed week of activities to celebrate our love of reading! These included our popular Book Exchange and Book Fair, Stay and Read sessions for parents to join in with reading, impressive Book Cover Exhibition and exciting competitions including our reading themed classroom doors! Where's Wally Dress Up Day was a fun way to round off our successful Book Week!


Year 6 visit to Kingswood (March 2022)

Date: 31st Mar 2022 @ 9:41am

Year 6 enjoyed three days at the Kingswood centre in Aylesbury. They were joined on the second day by children visiting for the day trip.

Children had fun learning new skills, testing their resilience and working collaboratively. They climbed the high wall, learnt to start and build fires using safety techniques, zip wired, fenced and tried to get the bullseye in archery!

Children and staff enjoyed the glorious weather and beautiful scenery.


Year 4 visit to the Welsh Harp Centre (March 2022)

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 11:12am

Year 4 visited The Wesh Harp Environmental Education Centre in Brent to support their learning about water and habitats. The children were interested to learn all about how rivers get polluted and had a great time pond dipping to collect and classify living things!


Year 5 visit to Robinwood (March 2022)

Date: 5th Mar 2022 @ 1:43pm

Year 5 enjoyed an action packed residential visit to Robinwood in Wrexham, Wales. They developed team playing skills and self-belief in activities including canoeing and the zipline challenge. Back in school, children enjoyed a range of tasks involving cooperation and creativity.

Year 1 visit to Windsor Castle (February 2022)

Date: 22nd Feb 2022 @ 4:56pm

Year 1 visited Windsor Castle as enrichment for their topic 'Kings and Queens'. The children had the opportunity to explore the castle and all its features they had been learning about during their History lessons, including the battlements, arrow slits and the portcullis. They were fascinated by St George's Chapel and some of the children were lucky enough to see the changing of guard! Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed this trip and had lots of questions for the teachers on the way back to school!

Year 2 visit to the Florence Nightingale Museum (February 2022)

Date: 13th Feb 2022 @ 9:31pm

Year 2 visited The Florence Nightingale Museum in London to enrich their topic about influential women in history. They 'met' Florence Nightingale herself, who re-enacted her life story, and took on the role of nurses to support her in her daily work at the hospital. The children loved exploring a range of artefacts from her early life, listening to recordings of her voice and they even tried on some period clothing that was worn back in the 1800s. 

Year 6 visit to Robinwood (September 2021)

Date: 2nd Dec 2021 @ 4:25pm

Year 6 enjoyed a three-day residential visit to Robinwood in Wrexham, Wales. They showed their resilience and perseverance whilst participating in a range of challenging activities included zip wiring, climbing, abseiling, canoeing... and much more!

“I have never been canoeing before! I can’t believe we won the challenge.” Hursh 
“You are terrified before you go on the high ropes challenge course, but you don’t realise just how much fun it is until you finish.” Arvin

Author Maz Evans visits Whitchurch (October 2021)

Date: 2nd Dec 2021 @ 4:27pm

Maz Evans visited our children in assembly and answered some great questions about her well-known books and being a top author. She even signed the wall in our fiction library after the event!


Whitchurch Primary School and Nursery Wemborough Road, Stanmore, Middlesex, HA7 2EQ
Headteacher | Ms R Inniss